About US

We live in a world communication

Origo is a Iogistic material and equipment provider specializing in MEP, FMC, Defense Operations Supply, and Consultancy Solutions. We pride our selves in providing quality branded products per specific client request. Our goal is to be the bridge between client need, and the fulfillment of our client's requirement.
Origo's operational footprint spans GCC Middle East, Horn of Africa, Asia, North America and South America.

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Origo Sales

Global partners networking to bridge any divide
A world connected by strategic ties

MEP Solutions

Engineering Design for MEP Support Systems, Utility Installation, Fire Protection Installation, and Facility Management Services

The Origo Team is ready to provide top tier level Installation Services. For all materials we provide. Onsite Mechanical Design Engineer to Assist with All Facets of Construction Scopes of Work. Please fill free to contact our team with any questions or inquiries for all your support needs.


The Origo Consultancy Team Specialize in US Government Contract Awards and Bidding Protocols

  • SAMS Registation Assistance
  • Proposal Assistance
  • Technical Data Assistance
  • Base Resource Guidance (Base Historical Data Assistance)
  • Critical for RFQ Bidding (Local, Regional, and International)
  • US Military Contracts Representative (American Blue Passport Holder)
  • Makes substantial first impression at Base Site Visits, and 1 on 1 meeting with USG Personnel
  • Our Consultation Team Can Create Personalized Service Packages That Provide Stream Lined Benefit Options Key to Critical Base Needs

We live in a world